Cloud & DevOps

Infrastructure as a service allows you the flexibility to scale your technology along with the business in pretty much real-time. Services no long ago only available to enterprise customers are now within reach for small and medium-size businesses allowing them to innovate and compete.

The ability to develop and automatically deploy software solutions quickly, at scale with an almost perfect uptime, combined with the ability only pay for what you use  is making DevOps one of the main pillars for Digital Transformation. 

Professional Services

CI/CD Pipeline

  • Integration with industry-leading platforms such as: Bitbucket, Git, GitHub
  • Build pipelines automation to promote code between lower and production environments
  • QA Automation - Postman, REST Assured, Appium, Selenium, Broserstack
  • Performance Automation - Neoload, JMeter, JRunner,

Cloud & on-prem

  • On-prem, Cloud or hybrid strategy services
  • Cloud Migration Services in AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Cloud Infrastructure management and Automation

DevOps Automation

  • Automated deployments on auto-scalable infrastructure
  • Microservices architecture - Amazon ECS, Azure, Kubernetes, Docker
  • Configuration Management - Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Terraform
  • Monitoring and Security - Splunk, Sentry